Trends in Radiology
- Radiology department’s top priority is to reduce cost1
- Patient Satisfaction ranked in top 2 focus areas2
- Radiologist burnout3
- Radiologists concerned about being prepared for the future4
Intelligently efficient imaging is about building a world that works…for you.
What’s new in imaging
Imaging Perspectives, News and Insights
Trending AI and Digital Solutions in Radiology—current adoption, applications and continuing developments
Making Radiology Work - The impact of X-Ray technologists
Integrating Cancer Care with Powerful Insights, Data Integration and Collaboration
Advancing Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Deep Learning Image Reconstruction
Integrating Trabecular Bone Scoring into Your Clinical DXA Practice
Post-COVID MRI: Evaluating the lasting effects of Coronavirus
Diagnostic Imaging Products and Solutions
Supporting Materials
2. IMV global imaging market outlook report October 2019
3. Source: Peckham C. Medscape radiology lifestyle report 2015
4. GE Sponsored research, October 2018, SUAZIO Consulting.